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The State of Alabama
Elmore County

To Major General,
Wager Swayne 
Commanding Dist of Alabama:

The undersigned Citizens of Elmore County Ala., and acquaintances of John R Brooks, Esqr, who is now in custody of the Sheriff of said County for violating your Genl Order No 3 Most Respectfully represent to you the character of said Brooks, we know him to be an honest, upright citizen, not in the least disposed to do injustice to any man white or black, & a good Loyal citizen to the Government; and living in a community remote from mail facilities, & in the act of which he is now charged entirely ignorant, of the Repeal of the Vagrant Laws of the State, as well as of your Genl order, as you will see from the Testimony on the trial of the course before his Honor Judge E.S. Readig, this day had, that he believed that he was acting in good faith, & in accordance with the Laws in such cases, we the