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[[left margin]] T.C. Smith
Attorney for Plaintiff appointed by the Court 

Sattle & Kyle for Deft. [[/left margin]]

Leonard Hart a Freedman
John R. Brooks J.P.
J.O. Rutherford Bailiff 

Special Court of Probate May 1867

Defendants accused of selling Plaintiff.

The following is an investigation of the above case had before E.S. Ready Probate Judge of Elmore County Alabama in accordance with an order issued by Major General Swayne. "Dated Montgomery Ala., April 27/67"

Witnesses for Plaintiff
Willis Brooks
Jeff. Wright.
Calvin C. Jones
Leonard Hart

Witnesses for Defts
Willis. Roberts
Wm H Garnett
N.C. [[Doras?]]
James Lightfoot
Thos. W. White

The parties appear in Court, and plead not guilty to the charge, & the Court proceeds to investigate the charges. 

[[left margin]] Leonard Harts Evidence, [[/left margin]]

Leonard Hart, Freedman being Sworn Stated that J.R. Brooks, had him Sold to please Mr. Garnett, that he was Sold on a Wednesday, near J.R. Brooks, near the Camp Grounds about four miles from the river. was tried