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their knowledge except, by certain horse thieves named, David Mimms, Hines Reynolds and Elijah Colwell - who are a terror to the community and on account of their wide range and familiarity with the country, the civil officers have been unable to secure them.

Daniel Norwood Col'd states, that about the last of February Seburn Williams Col'd was shot by Bone Griffin, and that he, (Griffin) afterwards told in town that he had shot a "nigger".  That about the last of April Andrew Betts shot a negro near Floyds Mills six miles from town - and reports other minor outrages - On being questioned the Mayor states in regard to the first case, that Williams Col'd was shot by parties unknown while running away - having committed a rape on a white woman and tried to cut her throat.  Joshua Dodson agent for the issue of supplies to the destitute, complys with existing orders upon that subject, according to the testimony of representatives of each color - or race - George Mutch late a Rebel soldier and his wife have a flourishing colored school numbering about seventy five scholars.