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The children are apparently doing well. Mr. Mutch desires help to reimburse him for the outlay in putting up his schoolhouse. It is a comfortable building and nearly completed.
At Girard and Crawford Russell Co. Mr John Healy a northern man states that no outrages have exactly been committed in the vicinity of Girard. He thinks the military power being so near prevents.
I visited  Judge Waddell and Mr. Nabers J.P. who represent that no outrages are being or have been recently committed within their knowledge - that Gen'l Swayne's orders complied with by civil officers and that the county court is termed a "nigger court [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]]" because it will give justice to freedmen. In jail there were three (3) prisoners col'd one for murder one for burglary and one for horse stealing.  They have been confined three months and are awaiting trial - There is no county agent for the issue of supplies to the destitute - the last issue was made in December by Justices of the Peace and a portion of the supplies were paid for expenses of hauling &c - I informed the judge this would not be allowed and 

Transcription Notes:
Please help with the unknown words!