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want of lawful force merely prevented - H.H Smith was the magistrate to whom freedmen applied for a warrant to arrest the murderers - he states that they could not swear to the parties names - therefore he could not issue the warrant. Freedmen complain of injustice at the hands of magistrates in the County - especially in the attempt to collect debts from employers.

H. H. Smith Esq. is the agent for the issue of supplies to the destitute, and apparently does the duty impartially - no complaint was entered against him - in this connection. Henry Watson col'd has a small school of about thirty scholars - his school is doing fairly. The colored people are building a comfortable school house Just out of town and I think with a good teacher a large school might be organized at this place.

At Troy Pike Co. D. W. Siler Judge Probate and A. A. Griffin J. P. state that they are not aware of any outrages being committed in the county - the acknowledge that there is a prejudice against