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Mobile, June 24th 1867
Col. Oliver L. Shepherd
15th U.S. Infantry
Cmdg. Post of Mobile.

Dear Sir;
The undersigned, Director of the Catholic Asylums of Mobile, having at a former period, experienced the liberality of the General Government in favor of his Orphan charge, now again appeals to the same source through you, the Commander of this Post, in behalf of his poor destitute orphans.

We have in our two Asylums 232 Orphans, males and females who are supported by the charity of the Citizens of Mobile.

The funds received last January at our annual Fair for the support of our orphans are not only exhausted, but we are also already in debt $3000.00.

Seeing the utter impossibility of providing for these "little ones" till next January, (when we will again hold our fair) owing to the general stagnation of business, we feel compelled to make application to the Genl. Gov., through you, our commander, for Rations in behalf of our 232 poor, helpless orphans.

We assure you, Col. that necessity alone forces us to this measure - that starvation actually threatened 232 destitute orphan children, who from the depth of their misery appeal to the Genl. Gov. for bread and meat.  We respectfully beg that you would grant, or obtain from the proper source Rations for our 232 orphans from this month to the end of the present year.

With an abiding confidence that the voice of these poor innocent sufferers will not be heard in vain, I respectfully submit their case to you, the representative here of the Genl. Gov.
I remain Col. Your obt. sert.
AD Pellicer
Direct of Catholic Asylums, Mobile, Ala.