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Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Demopolis, Ala, Sept 24 1867

Maj Gen Wager Swayne
Asst Comr Bureau &c
Montgomery Ala

In reply to yours of the 16th inst I have the honor to report that I have conferred with the authorities of Marengo Co on the subject referred to and am assured by them that they will be ready to receive the transfer of the Hospital and Asylum with their inmates on or before the 15th of October. and that they will soon make the necessary arrangements to take charge of the same.

As the asylum is located just over the line of Hale County. I have written to the authorities of that County to take charge of a portion of the destitutes and expect they will be willing to do so.

I am Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
C.W. Pierce Bvt Maj
& Sub Asst Commissioner