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Perote Ala
Nov 30 1867

Gen Swain
Commandant of Ala
Montgomery Ala


Whereas we are a peace loving and law abiding people:  Wherease we desire to see the Constitution and the laws maintained in violate:  whereas open bold, defiant, armed resistance to law and good order has been made by a body of freemen, numbering some sixty persons all of this vicinity:  Whereas the colored church of Perote was burned down to day:  Whereas the people of Perote held a meeting to day to investigate said burning and failed to ascertain whether it was caused by accident or by an incendiary.  Whereas we confidentially believe and circumstancially know that a desire for bloodshed exists in the bosoms of may freedmen in this vicinity:  Whereas we know as well as we can know anything not yet transpired, that disorder, riot, insurrection, bloodshed unless prevented by the interference of your honor will soon occur and reign triumphant here till the mastery is accorded to one or the other race:  Whereas we desire to see justice rendered to all:  Whereas we are anxious to see peace and order restored and maintained in our community and region:  Whereas we assert that surrounding circumstances force us to believe that in the absence of your Honor's protection we in self defence, will be forced to bear arms = and wheras we velieve that the presence here of a small garrison would subdue and hold in check the riotous and insurrectionary spirit now disturbing this community - We your humble petitioners ask and pray your Honor to immediately appoint to Perote a garrison of Twenty men, or ten men, or five men one of whom, it would please your Honor should be a commissioned officer or specially vested by your Honor with power to raise men in sufficient numbers to subdue any riotous action which may occur. 

And we your humble petitioners

Transcription Notes:
Perote is in Bullock County Alabama