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him in possession of the places. Holding out this idea, he is proceeding to rent the lands to innocent freedmen, who know nothing of the circumstances of the case and who must be involved in trouble & injury by his course.

We have not believed that you would interfere in the matter, at all; but, in as much as he is repeating the fact of your promised interference, we have deemed it a duty to address you on the subject, and to ask, that in case application has been made to you, for military order in behalf of Mr. Thomas, in these premises, you will allow us a hearing in opposition to his claims, and we feel satisfied, that we will be abundantly able to show, that the course we have pursued, is legal & proper.

It is proper to add, that we both join in this letter, as we are Co-administrators; but, the statements of what passed between ourselves and Mr. Thomas, are made on the knowledge of Mr. Haralson alone, as he superintended the renting, and had all the interviews with Thomas.

We are General,
very respectfully,
Edwd W Petten
J M Haralson,

Maj. Genl. Wager Swayne
Com'd'g Dist of Alabama,