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onely for the rebbel soldier widddo that if I wanted corn go to Mr. grean that he had the corn tho was a loud for me so I tarned up thinking that the feddreals had neve mad any divisions betwe the partes so I begin to think that I striped twise by the rebes an lost my husban an stud the psusecuiso threw the war an when the feddreals prepared bread an meat the rebes was the first afte hit both was an winnow and nearer I tel you have fead a meny long sided rebs that wud cut the federels throt if tha had the chance I Get the letter red last tusday consaren the cakes of the donations corn Mr grean sead that the governent corn never cost goverment one cent that you tax the south and had her pay for hit an as is I am onely woman I thot maby I have dran arang idy of the way that rashans was sent I thot the feddreal goverment sent the rasians and if I am rong in my ides I bage to bee excused but if I am not rong and you have any more rasian to send I think you have as much rit

Transcription Notes:
Very difficult... Edited & completed, but not well understood.