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Evergreen May 22nd 1867
Gen Wager Swayne
Dear Sir
Inclosed fund Affidant of Raford Jones which explains itself. The warrant is in the hands of the Sheriff and I have no doubt That all diligence on his part will be given. But for fear That They may escape (and all but one are [[trancent?]] men) and may be out of the county before the sheriff can reach them as there work is on the inters lane of the road. I have asked the officers to hold the warrant until I could hear from you I have been troubled before with men at work on the RR and I men have been all to bring there to shelter by the civil law from the fact that they have the county on committing any violation of the law
I would therefore now ask for the benefit of the [[govd?]] citizen of the county that these Lawless men be at once arrested by the military and turned over to the civil authorities or delt with as you may think best the parties compose a Bridge Gang in the imploy of the Ala & Fla RR and at work now between Castleburn and [[Burstons?]] station they may move tomorrow or nxt day but can be forward by  planning a squad of men on the Freight Train and sending them over the [[?]]
Respectfully your obt sevt
Y. M. Rabb
Asst Supt B R F A L
Conecuh County