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Transportation Orders furnished by Lieut Geo Shorkley 15th Infantry Supt Dist of Selma Bu of R F and A.L. at Selma Ala under C.O. 138 War Dept. A.G.O. 1865

[[5 columned table]]
| Date | No | To whom Furnished | From | To |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
|   | 89 | Mrs Skinner | Selma Ala | Atlanta Ga. en route for Washington |
|   | 90 | Three children of Jacob Mensie | Selma Ala | Atlanta Ga en route for Sumpter Co. S.C. |
|   | 91 | Henry Coleman | Selma Ala. | Randolph, Bibb Co. Ala, |
|   | 92 | Mrs Carter and Four children | Selma Ala | Meridian Miss. en route for Vicksburg Miss |
|   | 93 | Mrs Rebecca Sheppard and Two children | Selma Ala | Mobile Ala. |
|   | 94 | Betty Crenshaw | Selma Ala | Atlanta Ga en route for Columbus S.C. |
|   | 95 | Benj McKenny and Daughter | Selma Ala | Atlanta Ga. |
| 1867 Jan 24 | 96 | Polly Williamson and Three children | Selma Ala | Oxford Ala |
| Jan 25 | 97 | Stephen Melton and Ten children | Selma Ala. | Meridian Miss en-route for Homewood Scott Co. Miss |

"Continued, over"