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Head-Quarters Sub-District of Selma.
Selma. Ala, March 19" 1867
I have the honor to request that another commissioned Officer be assigned to duty with me at this Post.
I make this request well assured that I cannot discharge creditably to myself and the service the many duties that will devolve upon me. When Lieut Adams 33rd Infantry shall be relieved from duty at this place; as contemplated in orders. My duties will be those of Sub Asst. Comr Bureau. Recruiting officer for 38th Infantry (Colored) Comdg off. Post Comdg Off, Co &c.

I would most respectfully ask for this your early consideration.

Very Respectfully
Your Most Obt Servant
Geo Shorkley
1st Lieut 15th Infantry
Sub. Asst. Comr.

Lieut. J.F. Conyngham
Asst. AAG & Genl
Montgomery Ala