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Tuskegee Ala,
April 12th 1867.

Major Genl Swayne
Your favor of the 11th inst came duly to hand and the notice to Slaten forwarded.  The said Harriet Patrick Colerd was apprenticed, to the Said Slaten, on the 22nd day of December 1866, upon the certified report of a justice of the peace setting forth, that, she was an orphan aged 14 years without any visible means of support, and recommending said Slaten as a fit and suitable person, to have care of said minor, the Said Harriet being present at the time said report was made.  Some person unknown to me by name came and spoke to me concerning the girl, alleging that she was over the age of 18 and I informed him upon written application in regular form to this Court setting forth the facts the letters of Apprenticeship could be recorded, but he had a warrant from a Justice of the Peace for said Girl and chose to pursue that measure to get possession of her, on the ground that she had contracted to work for him during the present year, From which I could learn Slaten never refused to give her up, but that the Girl not caring to