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at Court, but before day of trial I rode out to Linden and stated to Judge Woolfe & the Solicitor that I did not know what proof Moore would bring against the parties, but I was satisfied that they were acting in ignorance of the fact of Moore's binding the children, but that if they saw proper I would pay cost and let the matter drop, to which they agreed: I knew that it would cost the freedmen less this way than to employ counsel but it was from the first a malicious prosecution. [[strikethrough]] This was done after I the chi [[/strikethrough]] I will ask the Uncle and Aunt a few questions, and will here state that they have as high regard for the truth as any two freedmen in the county: I will also state that rumor has reached me that Moore had said that I only wanted these children; this is false, I will say this much to prove that he has made false statements as to the ability of these children to do any thing  

I will give another year 60$ for the 3 children clothe & feed them, and I think that the relatives could get more than this. Every other statement that this man Moore or his wife and son has made needs much cuffing ere the truth comes to surface, I dislike to use such language, but in dealing with such characters I am forced so to do