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Charges and Specifications prefered against Bvt. Captain Joseph Groves 1st Lieut. V. R. C.

Charge 1st. Violation of the 36th Article of War

Specification 1st.  In this, that he, Bvt. Capt. Joseph Groves 1st Lieut, V.R.C. did while acting A.Q.M. to C.S. Bu. R. F. & A. L. at Selma Ala, open or cause to be opened, sacks of corn in charge of, and belonging to the U.S. for which he was responsible, and did take or cause to be taken therefrom, an amount of corn, to Wit. Sixty bushels more or less, and appropriate the same to his own use and purposes.

All this at Selma Ala, on or about the 8th day of January 1867.

Specification 2d. In this, that, he Bvt. Capt. Joseph Groves 1st Lieut, V.R.C. did while acting A.Q.M. & C.S. Bu. R. F. & A.L. at Selma Ala, at divers times and places, open or cause to be opened, sacks of corn in charge of or belonging to the U.S. and for which he was responsible, and did take or cause to be taken therefrom, an amount of corn, to wit, Two hundred Bushels, more or less, and appropriate the same to his own use and purposes.

All this at or near Selma Ala, on or about, or during the months of Feb, March, April, & May 1867