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Office Sub Asst Com BRF & AL

Col O. D. Kinsman
Sub Asst Com Dist of Ala.
Montgomery Ala.

In compliance with your letters of the 12th Ult I propose the following names as suitable persons for Asst Agts. to wit.
For the County of Russell John L Allen, 
for the County of Chambers Wm. S. Harper. 
I will report a name for Randolph County in a few days.
I have the honor to be
Your Obt Servt
R. J. Smith
Sub Asst Com &c.

Transcription Notes:
edited: read instructions, use [[?]] not [unknown], Ult (ultimo) used to denote date in previous month, changes and corrections, any reason why spaces not added between initials and last names, i.e, R.J.Smith instead of R. J. Smith