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Auburn Ala August 10th 1867
Genl. Pope
In there is one particular Subject to which I wish to direct your thoughts as I suppose that subject has not been directed to your mind, it is this, there are many little black children, (say of fourteen years and under) roving about through the country some of them without Fathers, some without Mothers and some without either, many of them not knowing who was their Father and others whose Parents have died, and there are many black Women who have more Children than they can support and no one to help them do it and worse than all many of these Children have no one to control them hence they are learning bad habits, I think that Humanity and good Order both require that there should be some Plan adopted for their Support & Protection and proper raising and if it is done effectually it must emanate from your Head Quarters - and as it is much to the Intent of Whites as well as blacks that they should have proper training and raising I have concluded to invite your attention to this Subject

Respectfully yours
Hiram Read