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Supt at Mobile, and as soon as his transportation arrives, will proceed to his post. Mr [[P?]] is appointed upon the nomination of Rev E. P. Smith, our General Field Agent, who commissioned him especially fitted for the post, and specially acceptable to civil and military authorities at Mobile where he has resided for two years past. Mr P will be assisted by a full corps of first [[class?]] teachers, who go forward as soon as the new school buildings are ready. Mr. Putnam will be authorized and instructed to purchase good sites at once for the Central High School and Ward School buildings, for the erection of which General Howard's appropriation upon General Swayne's recommendation has been some time ready and no pains will be spared on the part of the A.M.A. to put the school work in Mobile at once upon substantial and satisfactory footing. Gen. Swayne will oblige us in view of all the facts by issuing such orders as may be necessary to repress Mr Branch's misguided enthusiasm until Mr Putnam can arrive and enter upon his duties. With renewed thanks for General Swayne's valuable assistance in the past, 
I have the honor to remain,
Very Respectfully,
JR Shipherd 

Wager Swayne
Maj Genl & Asst Commr
Montgomery Ala