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Headquarters, Sub-District of Selma,
Bureau R.,F. & A.L.,
Office Sub-Assistant Commissioner,
Selma, Ala, December 27th 1867

Bvt. Lieut. Col. O. D. Kinsman
Sub-Assistant Commissioner
Montgomery Alabama

Since writing former communication of to day in relation to disturbance at Camden Willcox Co a guard from the detachment sent there has returned bringing with it Robert Fullminden Robert Caldwell Sumpter Caldwell and Peter Hern parties implicated in the disturbance of the Peace at that place on the 21st inst. 
Solicitor Howard of the 11th Judicial circuit accompanies the parties bringing with him Official copies of the warrant for arrest of these parties taken out before Judge Gordon Probate Court by  William Henderson, also of the examination and subsequent binding under bonds of one thousand dollars each to appear for

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