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L.& B. No 53. P. 37

Office Agent Bur. R. F & A Lds. 
Division of Cuthbert
Cuthbert Ga. August 10. 1867

Capt. E Pickett
A.A.A. Genl.
Atlanta Ga

I have the honor to report that Rose Benson, a freedwoman of Stewart Co, Ga [[strikethrough]] Ala [[/strikethrough]] complains that her former husband Dean - now at Mr McNabs Barbour Co. Alab, who left her one year before the war came about three months ago in the night to the place, where she stays and stole away her boy Jerry about eleven years old, carried him to Alabama and hired him out to Mr McNab, where the child now stays.
She respectfully prays that her child be restored to her care and control. 

I am, Captain, 
Very respectfully
Your obe't serv't
Ch. Raushenberg
Ag't Div. of Cuthbert   

Lieut F. A. H Gaebel,
Sub. Asst. Com'r
Cutherbert. Ga.