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contemplates a change in the organization of any committee by the election of new members or otherwise, or which is to affect the conduct or general interests of any Branch Office, shall not be consider final and binding upon the Company until the same shall have been approved by the Board of Trustees.


The Committee shall meet regularly on the second Thursday in each month. Nine members, of whom the Cashier shall be one, shall form a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or adjourned meeting. The By-Laws and Rules of the Company shall, as far as applicable, control the action of the Committee.


The Committee shall annually, at their regular meeting held in the month of March, or at an adjourned meeting held during the month, elect a Chairman and a Secretary, and an Executive Committee of four members, to hold office for one year or until their successors are elected. The Chairman shall be a member ex-officio of all Committees.


All vacancies occurring in the Committee or among the officers, may be filled at the next regular meeting after the existence of the vacancy shall have been announced.


All elections shall be by ballot, and it shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the whole Advis-


ory Committee to elect any officer, and the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the whole Committee to fill a vacancy in the Committee.


1. Minutes of the last meeting.
2. General report of the business and condition of the Branch and of the Company.
3. Reports of the Committees.
4. Unfinished business.
5. New business.


It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to consult and advise with and aid the Cashier, and watch over the affairs of the Institution, as they may be able. They shall confer as often as may be necessary at least once in a week, respecting the amount of funds to be forwarded for investment; respecting any questions that may arise in relation to depositors or their accounts; respecting any questions in regard to the property of the Company and in relation to any expenditures, reporting their action at the next regular meeting thereafter of the Advisory Committee. The Chairman, Secretary and Cashier shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.


The members of the Advisory Committee who attend the meetings, shall constitute an Attending Committee, and the members thereof, taken by rotation alphabetically, shall attend at the Banking-House at least once a week in the month in which they are to serve respectively. Their duties shall be to inform themselves as to all the business and affairs of the