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of six months; but no interest will be pain on the fractional part of a dollar.
 6. All interest shall be added. semi-annually to the principal of the depositor, and shall be entitled to interest the same as an original  deposit; but no interest shall be paid on any sum withdrawn previous to the first day of January or July, for the period which may have elapsed since the last dividend.
 7. All deposits shall be entered in the books of the Company, and a duplicate given to the depositor, in which the sum deposited by him or her shall be entered, and which shall be his or her voucher, and the evidence of his or her property, in the said Company. No deposit shall be received, nor shall any draft be pain in except on the days, and during the hours which may be designated by the Trustees, for that purpose, and in no other place than at the Central Office of the Company or at one of its Branch Agencies, unless authorized but the Board of Trustees.
 8. Drafts may be made personally, or by the order, in writing, of the depositor (if the Company have the signature of the party on their "Signature Book") or by letters of the Attorney, duly authenticated; but no person shall be paid any part of the principal or interest, without producing the pass book, and having such payments entered therein,
 9. On the decease of any depositor, the amount standing to the credit of the deceased shall be paid to his or her legal representatives. In cases where the amount left by the deceased is so small as not to justify taking out of letters of administration, the Cashier of the Branch where said sum may have been deposited, is directed to act in view of all the facts.
 10. All accounts to which no deposit, or on which no draft shall be made for seven years in succession, and the depositor of which has not been heard from, and for which no legal heirs can be found, (upon diligent search being made by the Company, by advertise-


ments in papers of general circulation throughout the country, and by such other means as may be thought best,) shall be closed, and the balance of such accounts may be transferred to the credit of the Educational Fund, to be applied to to the education and improvement of persons heretofore held in slavery, as set forth in section 11th of the charter of the Company.
 11. All notices in relation to deposits and depositors, published by or under the direction of the Trustees, in one or more of the public newspapers in the cities or towns where agencies are located, at least six times successively, shall be deemed and taken as actual notice to each depositor.
 12. Although the Company will endeavor by all possible means to prevent frauds and impositions, yet all payments to persons producing the pass-books issued by it, shall be valid payments to discharge the Company.
 In the case of lost books, the Company will decide, on the full presentation of evidence, as to the person to whom payment shall be made, and without the right  of the depositor in such lost book to question the correctness of the payment.
 13. No Trustee, as such, shall receive, directly or indirectly, any pay or emolument for his services, neither shall he be liable, personally, for any loss whatsoever, the Institution being purely a benevolent one, and designed to promote only the interests of Freedmen and their descendants.
 14. The Acutary is authorized to make special contracts for deposits in sums of not less than Fifty Dollars ($50,) to draw interest from date of deposit, not exceeding four per cent, on condition that the sum so deposited shall remain on deposit during a period of not less than throaty days, and that three days' notice be given by intention to withdraw the same.