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Fayetteville Ala Feb, 2nd 1868

Gen Hayden
Montgomery Alabama

Sir I am forced from circumstances to trouble you with matters of but little importance with you, though it would prove ruinous to me and my family, sir the matter under consideration is as follows, I and one Mr Dave Martin croped, or farmed to geather last year, we was compeld to mortgage our growing crop for supply, and as I was principally furnishing land and stock and Tools to run sad farm, I was the one to make the mortgage, wich mortgage was made by the concent and advise of both parties, I and Martin, we drew our suply which an enabled us to make and geather our crops, Sir the cotton was turnd over under the mortgage and shiped to Selma for sale, all by his Martins consent, since that time he has concluded he can hold his interest in said cotton, & has notified the merchant to hold the amount claimed by him, till he can attain are order from the Military authorities for the same, Sir he stands in my debt at the present time to the amount of ($822.98/100) eight hundred & twenty two dollars & 98/100, this amount was obtaind by him in good faith on his growing crop which crop only consist of 2,5,00 lbs lint cotton  Now he seeks to avade the payment of the provisions by obtaining an order through you, sir, if he has, or should ask an order from you to above affect, I hope you will have the same investigated be fore some Court of Justice  I am willin to have the same reviewed by the officers of the Beat, or the Probate Judge of the County or the Comander of the Freedmans bureau or your self, all I wish is justice, the cotton he claims, has been payed for long since he is now trying to defraud those who helped him with suply for his family & thereby

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