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Huntsville Ala January 22, 1868 Burke J W Register in Bankpcy Calls attention to the condition of the poor sick people of that county and asks relief for them. [[stamp]] RECEIVED AT HEAD QUARTERS JAN 26 1868 DIST. OF ALA. [[/stamp]] L.B.P. 256 D of A 1868 Headqrs Dist of Alabama Montgomery Jan 27, 1868. Respectfully referred to Capt Rob't Harrison Sub Asst Commissioner at Huntsville Ala for remarks. By order of Bvt Brig Gen J. Hayden Geo Shorkley. Capt 15th Inft Bvt Maj U.S.A. A.A.A.G. L R 280 "D" E. B. 249. Office Sub Asst Comr B.R.F. & A.L. Huntsville Ala Jany 30" 68 Respectfully returned to Bvt. Brig Genl. J Hayden, Asst Comr. with the information that there are many old, infirm and sick freed persons in this community who are very destitute; that Dr. Fitch, in charge of Freedmans Hospital here has instructions to receive no new patients into his hospital: and that the civil authorities are but very poorly prepared to care for destitutes. Robt Harrison Capt 33rd US Infantry and Sub Asst Comr B.R.F. & A.L.
Transcription Notes:
Bankpcy = Bankruptcy, from next page