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The Board adjourned to meet to morrow February 11" 1868, at 2 o'clock P.M.
A.J. Bennett
1st Lieut 15th Infantry President & Recorder

2 o'clock P.M.
February 11" 1868:
The Board met pursuant to the above adjournment: Present, A.S. Bennett 1" Lieut 15" Infantry, and proceeded to examine into the following deficiency of Quarter Master stores; reported by P.E. O'Connor, late Brevet Capt. V.R.C. A.A.Q.M. & A.C.f. B.R.F & A.L. at Demopolis Ala: viz: Five (5) Knit Jackets; Thirty two (32) pairs Trousers; Ten (10) Sacks (irregular,); Twenty one (21) pairs of Brogans; Twenty nine (29) Overcoats; Seventeen (17) Woolen Blankets: -. Of Commissary Property, One (1) Meat Saw:-. Of Subsistence Stores, Thirty two (32) pounds of Ham: Two (2) barrels and Seventy one (71) pounds of Flour: Thirty eight and one half (38 1/2) pounds of Coffee; Fifteen and one half (15 1/2) pounds of Tea; One hundred & thirty six pounds of Sugar (136 pounds); Nine (9) pounds of Salt: One and three quarters (1 3/4) pound of Pepper. After a careful examination of the facts, as shown by affidavits of Hilliard Haywood (marked "A") and Jas: F. Hayden, (marked "B,") they being duly sworn in presence of the Board, the Board are of the opinion, that said Government Ware House, was entered on the night of the 19" day of January 1868; by several persons and that they stole therefrom the stores and articles that are set forth in the affidavit of P.E. O'Connor Late Bv't Capt. V.R.C.Vd: (marked "C,")
The Board do not attach any negligence or blame to P.E. O'Connor Late Bv't Capt V.R.C. A.A.Q.M.& A.C.f. B.R.F. & A.L., as they are satisfied that he exercised due care of attention, while performing the duties of his office.  
There being no further business before the Board, it adjourned Sine die.

J. Hayden
Bvt. Brig Gen USA. Asst Com

A.J. Bennett
1st Lieut 15" Infantry & Presd't and Recorder 

Transcription Notes:
"Sine die" (with reference to business or proceedings that have been adjourned) with no appointed date for resumption.