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"13" State of Alabama } City of Demopolis Marengo County } Before me D. M. Taliaferro Mayor of Demopolis Ala. and Ex Officio Justice of the peace in and for said County personally came James F. Hayden. Known to me who being sworn to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth testifies and says, that on or about the 21st day of January 1868. I was acting deputy marshal for this City and Special Constable for this Beat. that Thomas O'Connor then Clerk in the Gov't. Warehouse in this City Came and informed me that said Gov't. Warehouse had been entered and goods of the Gov't., stolen therefrom on the night before. That he said O'Connor thought, as much as five hundred dollars worth of goods had been stolen and that he wished me to go in search of Hilliard Haywood who was then said to be 1 of the parties who had entered the warehouse, and also in search of any Gov't. goods that might be found. At the time of this Communication certain of the parties were under arrest and on trial before J. S. Harwell a Justice of the peace for said County. That said Thomas O'Connor and said Hayden went out about four miles from this city to the house of Hilliard Haywood, father in Law where they were told they would find said Hilliard. That said Hilliard had
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