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"C" State of Alabama City of Demopolis Marengo County} Before Mr D M Taliaferro Mayor of Demopolis and Ex Officio a Justice of The Peace for said county personally came Capt P.E. O'Connor known to me, late acting asst Q.M and A.C.S. B RF & A.L. at Demopolis, Alabama who being first sworn according to Law testifies and says that on the night of the 26th January 1868 after a week's absence, on returning to Demopolis I was informed by Thomas O'Connor that my clerk in Govt Warehouse in This City that said Govt Warehouse had been broken into and a lot of Govt stores taken therefrom on the night of the 19th January 1868. That on or about the 28th Jany 1868 I took an inventory of the QM Stores Subsistence Stores and Commissary property for which I was responsible in said Warehouse and formed the following quantity of stores recently missing from said Govt Warehouse. Viz: 5 knit jackets - 32 prs trousers - 10 jackets (irregular) 21 pdz Brogans - 29 over coats - 17 woolen Blankets - of commissary property one Meat Saw. Of Subsistence Stores. 32 lbs of Ham - 2lbs and 71 lbs flour 38 1/2 lbs Coffee 15 1/2 lbs tea 136 lbs sugar- 9 lbs salt. 1 3/4 lbs pepper and that at the Date of my last monthly returns viz 31st Dec 1867 the aforesaid articles