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could see or learn the hospital appears to be in good condition. I am led however to believe that a fraud has been perpetrated in the delivery of wood at the hospital. Whether the fraud was perpetrated by the person who furnished the wood, Mr. John Rhodes, or by the teamsters who pretended to deliver it, or by Dr. Moore in conjunction with either of the others, I was not then able to decide. I have withheld the pay on his voucher for now, and would recommend a future investigation of the matter. 

Soon after my arrival at Mobile I was taken quite ill, and was not able to make as thorough an investigation as I intended. I visited the Soup houses lately established there, and think they are in excellent hands. Bvt. Major J. Gillette, the Sub Asst Comr. is very earnest in his efforts to carry out the true objects of the Bureau, and I was not able to discover any errors in his management that required correction.

The Superintendent of Education, who accompanied me, made a thorough inspection of the Schools, and will submit his report. 

Having completed my duties I returned to my station.

Very Respectfully
Edwin Beecher
Insp. for Ala. B.R.F. & A.L.