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Office of Bureau R F. & A L. Tuscaloosa Ala
May 12th 1868

Maj. Geo. Sharkly
A.A.A. Genl
Montgomery, Ala,

Your communication of April 23d covering proceedings of Board of Survey on property lost in shipment from Demopolis to Tuscaloosa Ala, and directing me to call on Ag"t or owners of Steamer Jennie Rodgers for pay and I have the Hon"r to Acknowledge the receipt of. 
Immediately on recp"t I call"d on the ag"t of the Jennie Rodgers for payment, he stated that he was not authorised to pay, and that I must call on the Cap"t W"m. B Drake the owner of the Boat for payment. I therefore have had to wait until to day, this being the first time he has been here since the recp"t of the Report. I have just left him, and he is not willing to pay, stating that he delivered the freight just as he received it at Demopolis. I call"d his attention to the fact that he had given a Clean B. of L. and had thereby made his Boat liable, he thus said that he could prove by, the W.H keeper at Demopolis that he had received it just as he had delivered to me, he also states that he has a bill of nearly seventy (70) dollars, for freight and charges paid by him on the same at Demopolis, the foregoing

Transcription Notes:
" (quotation mark) used in place of '(apostrophe) throughout the text