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HdQr Port of Selma Selma Ala May 22-68. Respectfully transmitted to Captain A. Hedberg 15 Inf who will as soon as possible after his arrival in Tuscaloosa carry out the instructions contained in the endorsement. From his Dist HdQr of ate of May 19-68 reporting action and result at these HdQrs. The Boat will be released on payment of the amount demanded. By order of Bvt Maj Curtis H. S. Molena 2 Lt 33 Infty Acting [[illegible]] P. of S. E. & M. [[283?]] p E.B. p. 410. P.D.A. 1868 Headqrs Sub Dist Ala Montgomery Ala June 2/68 Respectfully returned to Bvt. Maj. Geo. Shorkley U.S.A. A.A.A.G. Bu R F & A.L. State of Alabama with attention invited to check for $133 32/100. and report of Capt. Alfred Hedberg 15th Infantry, enclosed By order of Col & Bvt. Brig. Genl O.L. Shepherd A.T. Hartz Bvt. Maj. U.S.A. A.A.A.G. [[stamp]] Bureau R.F. & A.L., Alabama. Office Ass't Com'r. Rec'd Jun 2 1868 [[/stamp]] Check handed to D.O. Jun 2 1868. is all the satisfaction I can get from him all of which is Respectfully Reported I am very Respectfully your obt Sert R Blair Agt. B.RF & AL.