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Office of the School Comm'r
June 13 1868

Dear Sir, 
In answer to your letter of this date, I have the honor to state that a copy of the Preamble & resolutions to which you refer, were sent to Genl. Shepherd, the next day after their adoption by the Board, and I addressed a note to the Tax Collector, requesting him to furnish me the information called for, at the earliest period at which he could prepare it. 

The Preamble & resolutions are as follows:
"Whereas, from circumstances not within the control of this board, the benefit of the system of education under existing school laws could not be extended to the coloured people of Mobile County although the school fund has decreased in past from the tax collected from them, and,"
"Whereas the American Missionary Society Association has in cooperation with the government organized and borne all expenses of schools for coloured people since the surrender, it is 
"Resolved that the Secretary of the School Board of Mobile County is hereby directed to ascertain the amount of "School tax" which has been or

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