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Office of Ag't Bu, R F & A L, Tuscaloosa Ala

Genl O L Shepherd
Asst Comr Bu RF & AL
Montgomery, Ala,


I have the Honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Special Orders No 76, also Circulars No 39, and in conformity to which I had just made all arrangements to turn everything over to Capt. Alfred Hedberg; but he has informed me that he has just, (by last Mail) received orders from you to direct me to continue to Act as Bur. Agt, which I shall continue to do until further orders

I also regret to be compelled to Report that the Spirit of Rebellion seems to have taken a renewed start in this Section since the State is put in the Union, several disturbances have been eminent here, even to the open threats of raising a crowd to kill or drive the Garrison from the place, all this disturbance is caused by that same Newspaper & its Editor.

this very many of the Citizens openly acknowledge to me & yet they are afraid to do or say anything against it, a more particular account of this you have, I presume from the spirited Lieut, that has been in Command during Capt Hedberg's absence.

I am Sir Very Respectfully Your Obt Servt
R Blair
Agt Bur RF & AL

Transcription Notes:
edited: removed 'seal' not a seal actually an archive stamp that is not part of original document so ignore per SI,