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Sub-District of Selma,
Selma, Ala., 1868

selves of all such contributions. Could promptness be insured, which is impossible, frequent changes in workmen would not greatly retard the
work. As to money contributions, not one dollar has been paid in. I am of the opinion that between $200. and $300. can be collected from both whites and colored.

It would appear that any further appropriation by the Government, should be measured by the amount of local contribution; but under the circumstances, in view of the possibility that the School House may remain, for a time at least, in the same condition as the Bureau leaves it, I would respectfully recommend that an additional sum of $1000. be authorized to be expended in its construction. This will enable us to leave the building in a condition, which, with the local aid that will probably be given, would be suitable to accommodate a school. I hope to hear from you very soon upon the subject in order to know whether to put a larger force upon the building.

I have the honor to be
