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Office Bu. RF & AL. Tuscaloosa Ala
Decr 22d, 1868

To Col Edwin Beecher
Asst. Comr. Bu. RF & AL
State of Ala

Dear Sir,
Your letter of the 17th Ins't is duly recd. In compliance with the instructions therein I have put up in a box all Books and papers and records, of this office, except F.M.s contracts for this year. Those I have kept as they might be wanted in evidence in some case. I also enclose the affidavit desired together with my blank Recpts for sallery my friend Mr. J. W. Beard of your City has kindly offered to take all to you, as he is just going over.
It affords me pleasure to be able to Report that the F. people of this section are doing fully as well as could be expected, nearly all are working quite well, and seem to be happy and contented; In fact nearly all complaints have ceased; and I have strong hopes and expectations that a better state of things will spedily be brought about since Genl Grant is Elected President. I can very plainly see already many of the good Effects, altho this month Ends my official rite to act for the F. people. It will be my pleasure, and I feel my duty to do anything I can for -

Transcription Notes:
if writer writes & for 'and' dont transcribe as 'and', transcribe as &,