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This cotton, twenty three bales, was set apart for said hands.

During December 1867, the said John B. Fisk induced said hands to allow him to sell the cotton for them at Mobile. He received the money by Express to Macon Miss and putting the same in his pocket left the County. He was last heard of in the Town of New Market, Madison County Ala. where he was married on Decr 24th, He has never paid a cent to any of the negroes Nor has been seen by them or any other person in Pickens County, since he left there Early in Decr last.

The negroes through myself as their atty ask the intervention of the Military in this, That you cause said Fisk to be arrested and detained in custody a reasonable time to Enable the negroes or their friends to put him in the custody of the Civil authorities under the charge of Embezzlement

Alex. B. Clitherall
Jany 31, 1868

Transcription Notes:
edited: corrections, if writer wrote Jany transcribe as Jany not January