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Head Qrs. Det. 16th. U.S. Infty.
Eufaula Ala., February 24th. 1868.

To the Actg. Ass't. Adjt. General,
Sub District of Alabama, 
Montgomery Ala.
(Thro' Hd. Qrs. Post of Montgomery Ala.)

I have the honor to report that a freedman by the name of Thomas Roberts was assaulted and beaten by two white men, James Clark and Charles Martin, Clerks in a store in the City of Eufaula Ala. They charged the negro with stealing a head-net. The Freedman was tried before the Mayor's Court, and fined two dollars and a half and costs. I requested the Mayor to arrest Clark and Martin, and have them tried for assault with intent to kill. I was present at the trial before his honor the Mayor. The evidence was conclusive to my mind that the Freedman was much shamefully and brutally assaulted with the Butt end of a heavy whip, ~ a shoe and a pistol in the hands of the said Martin and Clarke. Witnesses testified that Clark beat the Freedman over the head with the Butt end of a heavy whip, on several different occasions within a short space of time, that he were called out to by a Mr. Caldwell, a white man, to desist. Witnesses testified that a pistol in the hands of either Clark or Martin, was fired at the said freedman. One Witness testified that Martin

Transcription Notes:
edited: filled in blanks and completed transcribing the page