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struck the Freedman with a shoe brush.
The evidence in the case was conclusive that the freedman was brutally assaulted by the said James Clark and Charles Martin, and there was no necessity whatever for such treatment.
Charles Martin was discharged on the ground that there was no evidence against him. James Clark was fined ten dollars and costs. His Honor the Mayor tried the case under a city ordinance against fighting in the street. I consider the fine utterly inadequate to the crime, and think it very likely that even this may be remitted. If freedmen can be assaulted and beaten in this manner, and the parties so assaulting get off, for such a paltry fine ~ what protection have they of life or limb?
If another case of the kind occurs, (and there would be many of them, were if not for the presence of the Garrison here) I shall have the case brought before a Magistrate instead of the Mayor.
I am Sir,
Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt. Servt,
M. A. Cochran
Capt. 16th, Infty. Bvt. Maj. USA
Comdg. Detcht.

Transcription Notes:
The last transcribed lines are very hard to decipher, please review these. Edited: filled in blanks, changes and corrections