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"I drives this 'Buss."

The drivers Mitchell Hays, and William Taylor (freedmen) were both arrested and tried for perjury before Jack Hardman, Magistrate, and bound over in the sum of three hundred dollars each for their appearance at the regular term of the circuit Court for Barbour County, and in default committed.

You will observe that Mr. Black, charged with assault with intent to kill was put under one hundred dollars bond, while these freedmen charged with perjury, (of which, I do not believe they are guilty) are put under three hundred dollars bond. There are parties here who would like to go security for them, but they are afraid to do so, because they are in business and know that they will be frowned down by the community. At the request of these same parties, who agreed to secure me, I offered to go security for the freedmen, but the offer was rejected on the ground that I was not a citizen.

The fact is that Freedmen in this community have a poor show, for those who would assist them are afraid to do so.

I am trying to find Freedmen who will be accepted on the bond and hope to succeed.

I am Sir, Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servt.
M.A. Cochran
Bvt. Maj. U S.A. Comdg.

Transcription Notes:
Changed Bvt. Maj. US.A. Candy