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Office Sub. Asst. Com. B.R.F. & A.L.
Sub District of Mobile
Mobile, Ala, Jany 22" 1868.

Gillette James
Capt. 15" Inf. Bvt. Maj. U.S.A.
Sub Asst. Commr.

Transmits letter of J. F. Heifton Justice of the Peace, Clarke Co, in reference to troubles therein. Also a letter from Mr. Wilson recommending James A. Bradley for Justice of the Peace vice James. A. Gordon removed from the beat. 

Also transmits copy of receipt of Jno. C. Chapman for a horse seized of David Humphries (freeman).

[3 Enclosures]
Hold up the Sub Asst case of this reference

[[stamp]] RECEIVED HEAD [[QUARTERS?]] JAN 24 1868 DIST OF ALA. [[/stamp]]

L.B. G 117 D of A 1868
Hd. Qrs Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Jan 24 1868

Respectfully referred to Maj. J.C. Greene A.A.A.G.
In charge of Civil affairs Dist of Ala.

By order of Bt Brig Genl Julius Hayden

Geo Shorkley
Capt 15 Infy Bt Maj U.S.A.