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Office Sub Asst. Com. Bur. of R.F and A.L
Sub District of Mobile
Mobile, Ala. July 4" 1868.

Bvt Major Geo. Shorkley
A.A.A. General
Montgomery, Ala.

In reference to the establishment of Soup houses in this city, forming the subject of your communications of Jany 29" & 31", I have the honor to state that I have communicated with the principal colored societies Viz: the "Love and Charity" and "Mechanics" and they have volunteered the use of a brick building, free of rent, at the corner of Jackson and St. Anthony Streets. It stands in a large yard and it is very well adapted for our purposes. It is in the Northern quarter of the city where the great mass of the colored people reside. These societies will cooperate to any extent desired in the distribution of the relief.
It seems to me that this is a much as they can do but if the Government requires, they are willing to pay a cook, say $30. a month. They already pay $60 a month for the building and their funds are quite low owing to prevailing poverty.
We are ready at once to start one relief establishment at this place and are awaiting boilers, and whatever instructions as to mode of erecting them, manufacture of sup &c which we are desired to carry out.
I am in communication with the Mayor as to the

Transcription Notes:
Viz means 'namely', what looks like a - is actually the crossing of a 't' at the end of word, corrections