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State of Alabama, BUREAU OF REFUGEES, FREEDMEN AND ABANDONED LANDS, Montgomery, Ala., March 13th. 1868. Major General O. O. Howard. Commissioner &c. Washington D.C. General: I have the honor to make application for the appointment of Mr J. H. W. Mills, (late Bvt Col and Chief Commissary of Subsistence 17th Army Corps) as Agent and Disbursing Officer Bureau R.F. and A.L. to be stationed at Decatur Ala, as suggested by Gen'l Balloch Chf Dsby Officer, at a salary of One Hundred and Twenty five Dollars ($125.) per month, to date Mch 20, 68. Colonel Mills is thoroughly loyal with prejudices decidedly in favor of Congressional Reconstruction - a man of fine education and decided ability, and of excellent moral character, Very Respectfully