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Sub District of Mobile
Bureau of R.F and A.L.
Mobile Ala., June 9" 1868.

To the School Board
Mobile County


Referencing to my letter of the 13" ult. I have the honor to state that the work of carrying on the schools for colored in this county since the surrender has been maintained by the American Missionary Association with the cooperation of the Freedman's Bureau: The latter paying rents and the former assuming the entire expense of Salaries of teachers, Superintendent and their maintenance. When parties were able to pay tuition, and dollar per month was charged; but three fourths of the pupils received free instruction.

The enclosed statement of its Superintendent sows the expenditures for the term ending June 30" to have exceeded the receipts by $6139. 55/100.

An appropriation to the Association's assistance would greatly facilitate and accommodate present wants of the Schools until such time as the Board can arrange for assuming control under the School laws.

Very respectfully
Your obedt. servant
(Signed) James Gillette
Brevet Maj U.S.A.
Sub. Asst. Commr

A true Copy for information of Asst Commissioner of Alabama
James Gillette
Bvt. Maj. U.S.A.
Sub. Asst. Comm'r.  

Transcription Notes:
edited: removed archive stamp, not part of original document per Si, corrections