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A33 (R., F. & A. L., Vol. 12,) 186 [[strikethrough]]7 [[/strikethrough]] 8.

Jany 14, 186 [[strikethrough]]7 [[/strikethrough]] 8.
Hayden Julius
BB Gen & Asst Commr.

Desires to recall application for appointment of Pierce Burton as Agent - He has accepted a nomination to state legislature.
An Army officer there will discharge duty. 

WRAPPER (1 Enclosures.)
Received, Bureau R. F. & A. L, Jany 15th, 186[[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]]8.

Bureau Refugees, Freedman, and Abandoned Lands,
WASHINGTON, Jany 15 186 [[strikethrough]]7 [[/strikethrough]] 8.

Respectfully returned to B Brig Gen Julius Hayden Asst Commissioner Montgomery Alabama, with letter of revocation enclosed as requested.

By order of 
Maj Gen O. O. Howard 
E. Whittlesey
A.A.A. Gen'l