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the cause of education in this County Thereby I have obtained this confidence and friendship and I suppose said laboring men choose me as a delegate to the Congressional Convention for the reason of this confidence in me as their friend and not for my political sentiments. I never sought the nomination and very reluctantly accepted it, and I assure you General my desire was to do what was best for the State of Alabama and the [[?]] people for whom I am in a manner Guardian and it has been my study to promote their interests with all the means at my command. 
I feel assured General that you have been misinformed as to action I have taken in political affairs and I would respectfully ask an investigation that you may know what I am doing and how I stand with the people of this County. It would be natural to suppose I have enemies but I think I have many friends irrespective of political party or race.            

I remain General 
Very Respectfully
Your ob't Servant
J. B. Healy 