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Office Ass't Sub-Ass't B. R. F. and A. L. 
Bluffton, Alabama June 15th 1868

Bvt Brig Genl O. L. Shepherd.
Asst Commr. B. R. F & A. L.

I have the honor to submit the following report & respectfully ask your careful perusal of the same
In obedience to orders received from you by telegraph on the 6th inst and by mail on the 7th ordering the arrest of one John Lawrence. I at once took such steps as I thought best calculated to insure his early capture, and being fully satisfied that many of the citizens of this section harbor and encourage him in his lawless course. I determined to rely upon one or two reliable Freedmen for such information as might lead to Lawrence's arrest. 
It was also necessary for me to have someone who could identify Lawrence, as he assumes very many disguises. Sammy Holms (Col'd) ("who unfortunately became the victim to a ("probable") plot to murder me and the two Federal