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Sub Dist of Demopolis B.R.F & A.L.
Demopolis Ala April 25/68
Bvt Maj. Geo. Shorkley
Montgomery Ala:

I have the honor to transmit herewith as per instructions of Ass't Commissioner under date Apl 17" 1868 - the dup. vouchers for pay of C.A. Gale Actg Agt B.R.F. & A.L. Greensboro Ala. Mr. Gale was appointed to act in that place upon resignation of H.G. Claus by Lt. A.S. Bennett Sub Asst't Comms'r &c. Feby 17. 1868. He has since that time necessarily incurred expenses and I hope his claims (while performing the duties of his office) may receive proper recognition at Hd. Qrs. & his vouchers a speedy adjustment, as he is really in need of the funds.

Very respectfully
Your obd't. Sv't.
C. W. Pierce
Sub Ass't Comm'r.

Transcription Notes:
edited: corrections