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Head Qrs 3d Military District
Chief Commissarys Office
Atalanta Ga January 25th 1868


You will issue on ration return, or transfer in bulk on issuance + receipt to the Asst Commissioner of Bureau Refugees Freedmen +c of the State of Alabama, or his officially designated agents, the following articles of Subsistence Stores. viz. Fresh Beef, Flour or Bread, Dessicated Potatoes, Dessicated mixed vegetables, Salt + Pepper in such quantities as he or they may call for, and cause the same to be delivered at such points as he or they may designate.
In making this issue, on transfer you will be guided by Circular No 10 dated office Commissary General of Subsistence. Washington D.C. May 29th 1866 viz- at the close of each month you will make out and forward direct to Commissary General office, an abstract of all Subsistence Stores so transferred or issued, giving total quantity and cost of each article, and the total cost of all the stores so transferred or issued.
Make requisition at once inform this office for such articles as you may stand in need of.
Very Respectfully
Your obt Servt
(signed) Thomas Sullivan
Bt Lt Col. C.C.S. 3d Mil Dist

Lt Geo W Ballentine
13th Infantry
Montgomery Ala