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of Lieut Savage for a short while intoxicated I do not deny, but by the way of explanation I will state that for the several days previous to said intoxication, I had been suffering very much from an aggravated attack of Dysentery, had him taking medicine under the prescription of Dr Francis of this place to no relief, and thinking that brandy which had been recommended to me would conduce to my recovery. I without hesitation and with no intention of becoming intoxicated resorted to its moderate use as a means of relief from suffering. I used it in moderation and am free to say that thought I accidentaly became intoxicated it was through the combined agency of the active opiate prescribed by my Physician together with brandy, and not through the agency of either alone
I have in no instance failed to discharged my whole duty as Clerk to the Govt to the best of my ability as my returns show. 
As to the disturbing the peace and harmony of the town by conducting myself in a disorderly manner in the presence of the citizens I positively