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Jacksonville Alabama
August 10th 1868.

We the undersigned non. commissioned Officers of Co "D" 33 Infantry do hereby certify that we never have seen or known Mr Wm McKibbin Clerk of the Bu R F & A L. at this place to act in a disorderly manner in presence of the troops stationed here and have always regarded his conduct as that of a gentleman. 

Nelson B Hinkley 1st Sergt. Co. D' 33d Infy
Henry. A. Johnson Q.M. Sergt Co "D" 33d" Inf. 
John. N. Cheeks. Sergt Co D. 33d Inf.
Edwards F. [[McGuire?]] Sergt Co D. 33d Inf. 
A P Rogers Corpl. Co D 33d Inf.
F. Ginzel Corpl. Co. D. 33d Inf. 
John Ryan Corpl. Co D 33d US Infantry
Rufus G. Smith Sgt. Co. D. 33 U.S.I.
David F Willey Corpl Co D 33. Infty
Thomas C Ruther Corpl Co D 33 US Infty
Thomas A McGee Corpl Co D 33